Our Team

Telisha Woodfin, LMSW, CD, CEIM

Telisha, founder and owner of LIVLoved, brings over two decades of dedicated experience in family support. As a Certified Postpartum Doula (DTI) and Infant Massage Educator (Infant Massage USA), Telisha seamlessly integrates her roles as a mother of three and a godmother to eight. Her rich background in early intervention, mental health, and developmental disabilities inspired the creation of LIVLoved, a platform dedicated to postpartum family support. Her offerings include postpartum doula services, coaching, and infant massage education, all underpinned by evidence-based strategies as a Certified Zero to Three Trainer.

Telisha is also a co-founder of "The Momtourage," where she actively cultivates nurturing communities. Grounded in a B.S. in psychology and an MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University, Telisha's holistic, relationship-centered approach ensures that no parent traverses the postpartum phase alone. Her vision revolves around empowered communities fostering resilient and loving families.

Latisha Suitte, CPPD, BEC, CLC

Latisha's journey into motherhood epitomizes determination and resilience. Her experience, from a natural birth to overcoming challenges like jaundice and a 4th-degree tear, ignited her passion for postpartum support. Certified in Breastfeeding Education, Postpartum Doula services, Lactation Counseling, and CPR instruction, Latisha offers comprehensive postpartum care. Her dedication stems from a firsthand understanding of the emotional and physical struggles new mothers face. With unwavering commitment, she supports families in achieving breastfeeding goals, navigating the unexpected, and fostering confidence in their motherhood journey. Latisha is devoted to creating a supportive environment and sharing her expertise to guide families through the transformative postpartum period with confidence and compassion.

Chantel Baucum, M. Ed., CD, CEIM

Chantel, a proud mother to twin girls, has devoted her career to supporting young children and families. With a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Special Education and a Master's in Education specializing in Early Childhood Mental Health, she is equipped with a solid educational foundation. Professionally trained as a Full Spectrum Doula, Infant Massage Educator, and Childbirth Educator, Chantel firmly believes that every family deserves education and support. She finds joy in offering a variety of services, including postpartum doula care and developmental services, to empower families on their parenting journey. Through her compassionate approach, Chantel strives to create a supportive environment where families feel empowered to reach their greatest potential.

LaRonda Malone, CD

LaRonda, a Richmond native, has dedicated herself to guiding families through their parenthood journey. After the birth of her daughter, Ava Rose, in 2019, she fell in love with birthwork. With over a decade of childcare experience working with infants and toddlers, coupled with her own motherhood journey, LaRonda profoundly empathizes with the challenges new and experienced parents face daily. As a postpartum doula and placenta encapsulation specialist, she provides safe, nurturing care, forging personal connections with each client. LaRonda is passionate about guiding families through the transition into parenthood, ensuring they not only survive but thrive. Whether it's providing support before, during, or after birth, her goal is to be a trusted partner in safeguarding the well-being of every family she works with.